Startup Weekend Isfahan 1400

Isfahan Startup Weekend 2022 event, for the first time after Corona, was held in Isfahan with the sponsorship of Tport to create a startup cycle and the growth of entrepreneurship in Isfahan. In this event, the regulations of team establishment and performing in the form of a startup team were taught from the ground up. Two skills are very important for business owners and university professors. In this event, Tport participated as a special sponsor with Demis company investment.

The leading matters of start-up weekend 2022

  • Digital business

  • Digital sales of goods and services
  • Digital construction services
  • Digital tourism services
  • Digital medical services

سخنرانی جناب مهندس سقایی در استارت ویکند 1400
اشخاصی که در استارت ویکند 1400 حضور یافتند

The intention of Startup Weekend 2022

The ambition of this event was team-building training, a business canvas for each vision and identification of the best ideas in the field of online business, and finally evaluating the support of the best ideas by sponsors. Certainly, this event, with the presence of investors and growth centers, could evolve as a springboard for the teams composed in this event.

As the main sponsor of this event, Mansour Saghaei (CEO of Demis Company) expressed his adventures and successes in his field of profession and conveyed his passion to support businesses.

استارت آپ

Date of startup weekend 2022

Isfahan Startup Weekend 2022 with the purpose of “growing entrepreneurship and supporting startups” was held on November 19-21 at Farhangsarai Pegah in Isfahan.

Movie showcase